Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hi people... blogging from school again... still got a little less than 3 hours to tamil and then at 7 the meet the parents' session. Its going to be a long day! And tommorrow i still have to come to school for economics lecture and than GPP. Argh. And i wanted to sleep in tomorrow. This really sucks. A lot. Still, commitments are commitments and I will have to wake up early tomorrow to go to a lecture which i probably won't understand a damn thing. Argh. All the lectures have been the same so far. I only undestand when my dear economins teacher explains it during tutorial. Other than that I don't understand anything during lecture. And I don't think many others understand too. Haix. How sad. And with the examns coming up so soon too.

On the brighter side, the Vietnam trip is now just a matter of weeks away(2 to be exact) and i cant wait to go to that country that I've never been to. Only problem is, I have yet to get my things, that includes the US currency needed. Haix. At least my friends a re accompanying me as well.

I am also doing a world cup article for NYconnextions. Go read it if you have time. Of course it should be up only around mid of next week. I need time to do eight different groups. :D.

Oh and congrats to SIva who recently became the president of NY ICS. Good luck in whatever you do gal! You have my support!

There's gonna be a mini 0602(PAE) outing on next tuesday after history and I cant wait to catch up with all my 1st 3 months classmates! We're gonna watch X-MEN3. So far I have heard mixed reactions about the movie and I certainly hope it lives up to its pre-movie hype. Hopefully it doesn't turn out to be like Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, which for me was a huge disappointmet. I was almost in tears at the end of that movie.

Speaking of HArry Potter, I wonder when the FINAL book of the harry potter series is going to come out. JK Rowling has all of us wondering what is going to happen. Will evil triumph or will the boy wonder go against all odds to come up on top? One can only keep guessing till the release of the book. Harry now faces incredible odds with Dumbledore no longer at his side. But, he still has loyal friends (Mr Weasly and Miss Granger). The thought of the finale itself makes me excited. I cant wait for that book to be released. Go Harry. Hopefully he doesn't die.

Thats all for now folks. C ya.


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Hello guys... a lOoOoOoOOng break now... am so tired... Now i have additional responsibilities being the president of the Journalism sector of Debate and Journalism. It is going to be an interesting ride, marred by only a very irritating girraffe who seems to have confirmed that I am going to fail my chemistry.

Damn. He ask ppl to write the answer on the board, and then leaves it there not really explaining it... I have nothing more to say... what we do? copy down. Thats it. No learning. And with 3 classes combined into one for his class ( when its only supposed to be one class), i have a problem asking questions. Why can't they have more personalized attention. haix. I have nothing to say... I gtg... homework... c ya


Thursday, May 18, 2006

Hi people.. blogging from school now ... about an hour and half left for PE... haix. I'm going to blog about..................... the champion's league finale! Barcelona versus Arsenal... Being the football maniac that i am there was absolutely no way I was going to miss that match!! From the very start it was exciting to watch with Arsenal starting off well... Then came the deciding moment... When Samuel Etoo was fouled... I personally thought his pace was going to put that ball at the back of the net but the Arsenal golie came out of his box, and clipped his leg. The referee flashed an instant red card. What surprised me though was that very decision. Since the ball was guided to the back of the net by a Barca player, the referee should have given the advantage to the Catalans and counted the goal and should have shown Lehmann a yellow card. That would have been a good decision. Instead by disallowing the goal and sending of Lehmann, I was completely surprised by his decision... Other than that I was quite upset when Sol Campell scored the goal... dn't get me wrong here the set piece was almost perfect and Henry's free kick was absolutely fantastic. I only regret about the way the got the free kick- it was a blatant dive by an Arsenal player. Still, I have to congragulate them on holding off Barca until the 76th minute. The two moments of genius by Hendrik Larsson lead to two goals being scored. I applaude that guy. He gets all my respect and my vote as the man-of-the-match. Although he only played for 30 mins, his contribution far outweighed many of the other players on the field. Frank's substitues helped alot as Iniesta troubled the Arsenal defence, Larsson set up the two Barca goals while Belletti scored the winner.

Much of the pre match hype was about who would prove to be better- Henry or Ronaldinho. Both did not play to thiwer best and thus both of them fell short of my expectations.

For al those arsenal fans out there, take heart from this defeat. Your club are improving. THough I fell they are still a long way away from matching Man Utd :P. Barcelona trully deserved this victory. They faced Milan, Chealsea, Benifica on their way to the finals. It was not an easy time but they did it. With this, European football comes to an end for this season. Next up is the much a

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Hi people.. blogging from school now ... about an hour and half left for PE... haix. I'm going to blog about..................... the champion's league finale! Barcelona versus Arsenal... Being the football maniac that i am there was absolutely no way I was going to miss that match!! From the very start it was exciting to watch with Arsenal starting off well... Then came the deciding moment... When Samuel Etoo was fouled... I personally thought his pace was going to put that ball at the back of the net but the Arsenal golie came out of his box, and clipped his leg. The referee flashed an instant red card. What surprised me though was that very decision. Since the ball was guided to the back of the net by a Barca player, the referee should have given the advantage to the Catalans and counted the goal and should have shown Lehmann a yellow card. That would have been a good decision. Instead by disallowing the goal and sending of Lehmann, I was completely surprised by his decision... Other than that I was quite upset when Sol Campell scored the goal... dn't get me wrong here the set piece was almost perfect and Henry's free kick was absolutely fantastic. I only regret about the way the got the free kick- it was a blatant dive by an Arsenal player. Still, I have to congragulate them on holding off Barca until the 76th minute. The two moments of genius by Hendrik Larsson lead to two goals being scored. I applaude that guy. He gets all my respect and my vote as the man-of-the-match. Although he only played for 30 mins, his contribution far outweighed many of the other players on the field. Frank's substitues helped alot as Iniesta troubled the Arsenal defence, Larsson set up the two Barca goals while Belletti scored the winner.

Much of the pre match hype was about who would prove to be better- Henry or Ronaldinho. Both did not play to thiwer best and thus both of them fell short of my expectations.

For al those arsenal fans out there, take heart from this defeat. Your club are improving. THough I fell they are still a long way away from matching Man Utd :P. Barcelona trully deserved this victory. They faced Milan, Chealsea, Benifica on their way to the finals. It was not an easy time but they did it. With this, European football comes to an end for this season. Next up is the much anticipated world cup. Unfortunately I'll be touring Vietnam during theworld cup so I would have to miss a few matches. My Mid year exams also clash with the world cup but I'll catch the final. No matter what.

Ok i gtg. Cya .


Hi people.. blogging from school now ... about an hour and half left for PE... haix. I'm going to blog about..................... the champion's league finale! Barcelona versus Arsenal... Being the football maniac that i am there was absolutely no way I was going to miss that match!! From the very start it was exciting to watch with Arsenal starting off well... Then came the deciding moment... When Samuel Etoo was fouled... I personally thought his pace was going to put that ball at the back of the net but the Arsenal golie came out of his box, and clipped his leg. The referee flashed an instant red card. What surprised me though was that very decision. Since the ball was guided to the back of the net by a Barca player, the referee should have given the advantage to the Catalans and counted the goal and should have shown Lehmann a yellow card. That would have been a good decision. Instead by disallowing the goal and sending of Lehmann, I was completely surprised by his decision... Other than that I was quite upset when Sol Campell scored the goal... dn't get me wrong here the set piece was almost perfect and Henry's free kick was absolutely fantastic. I only regret about the way the got the free kick- it was a blatant dive by an Arsenal player. Still, I have to congragulate them on holding off Barca until the 76th minute. The two moments of genius by Hendrik Larsson lead to two goals being scored. I applaude that guy. He gets all my respect and my vote as the man-of-the-match. Although he only played for 30 mins, his contribution far outweighed many of the other players on the field. Frank's substitues helped alot as Iniesta troubled the Arsenal defence, Larsson set up the two Barca goals while Belletti scored the winner.

Much of the pre match hype was about who would prove to be better- Henry or Ronaldinho. Both did not play to thiwer best and thus both of them fell short of my expectations.

For al those arsenal fans out there, take heart from this defeat. Your club are improving. THough I fell they are still a long way away from matching Man Utd :P. Barcelona trully deserved this victory. They faced Milan, Chealsea, Benifica on their way to the finals. It was not an easy time but they did it. With this, European football comes to an end for this season. Next up is the much anticipated world cup. Unfortunately I'll be touring Vietnam during theworld cup so I would have to miss a few matches. My Mid year exams also clash with the world cup but I'll catch the final. No matter what.

Ok i gtg. Cya .


Monday, May 15, 2006

hi people... started cramming for chemistry SPA and it is around 12 midnight... needed a time-out so here I am... blogging... first and foremost... later today, there will be a heartbreaking scene... I will say goodbye to a person who has been my class mate for close to 2.5 years now... just some words from me... alice... you have been a great person and you are a great 'study' person...very harworking.. and that is the honest truth... I have always marveled at your ability to study and produce results... yes... you are caught in a difficult situation now and I will give my fullest support to the decision you make... even though I might not think it is the best possible solution out. Good luck for your future endevours... go on and succeed in life... don't be lost in the past forever while everyone else moves forward... the past is indeed hard to let go, the memories of E7 will always remain in my heart, yet i know that they can never be relived... alice... look forward... my prayers and thoughts will always be with you and despite this being hard to believe, miracles have happened... they will happen, as long as you are willing to believe in them. Alice, for you to move ahead you have to open the door. Although your friends can nudge you to open the door, it is you who have to make the choice to open the door. You can do it. We will be behind you all the way. My dear friend, you shall be missed.


Thursday, May 11, 2006

hello people! In my grandma's house now and using my uncle's com to blog. Am here for a celebration. Mother's day celebration. the whole extended family will be here so its gonna be one heck of a party :p. Am bloggin secretly as I aint supposed to use my uncle's com... today was ok... except for the terrible news that our class did badly for SEA fact test. I also failed my math test. haiz... well at least that was expected... failed 4/5 of my napfa items.. kinda sucky... well, i guess you can't have every thing in life... I'll try my best to improve on my napfa next year... and I'll strive to improve my grades...... and what the hell... look at bonn now... he is so scary... he's punches almost twice as painful as secondary 4 and his hair is very, very, very, very long... looks so weird... lol... bonn go cut your hair soon... lol... well... at that note i have to sign off here now... i gtg already. cya.


Monday, May 08, 2006

Hey people. This is the long awaited Post Birthday post. It was my birthday on the FiFtH of may and it was indeed a very special day... I got a new MP3 from my parents... thank ya mom and dad.. i also got a turtle from Duuck, Emma, Ham, Mona and Tin Tin... thank ya guys for giving that to me.. and also thank you for celebrating my birthday with me on Saturday at the Hong Kong Cafe.....

Speaking of saturday, I went to Xue Wei's house with Jonathon and Sheri to do Project work... and Xue Wei's house was full of... Fish!! Arowanas, and four of them... all quite big in size... wow... i was awed... NOt to mention that a goldfish (that was meant to be food) became friends with one of the arowana's and decided to live with them... :p....

I got into a history group with Ming Liang, Sheri, Izaac and Benjamin... and I have to do research on one russian leader... not too sure how to spell his name.. Well, i guess I have quite some work to do during the long weekend so i cant play that much... oh.. sad.. but nevermind... i shall prioritize and my studies (and grades) come first... before gaming pleasure... lol..

well, blogging from school now during break... again...

well... i gtg... gonna do some other surfing... c ya...


Thursday, May 04, 2006

Hi people... Life sux... first I got confronted by this guy who accused me of something i did only as a little joke... joke only... i wasn't serious... and so i decided... I had enough... you go your way and I go mine... I do not like being accused of something that i had no intention of doing... So basically, i shall never ever knowingly cross your path again.. If i do, slap me across the face...

After the tragic confrontation, there was GP test and SEA history test.. after the SEA test i realised that i had lost my wallet. This led to a frantic search that did not yield any positive results. So now my personal items, bus pass etc are all lost and I'm broke AGAIN... and all this had to happen the day before my birthday.. hopefully tommorrow is a better day... I gtg now... too sad to blog any more anyways.... Cya...


Monday, May 01, 2006

pHi people... Its 12.54 a.m. and here I am... blogging... I must be going nuts! Haiz... just finished my PI and i think i did it all wrong.... first my intro was too long now i fear my conclusion is too long... haix...Thurday got THREE tests!!!!! THREE!!! HISTORY FACT TEST, GP ESSAY and MATH NON OPEN BOOK TEST ON TWO CHAPTERS!!! Life is simply going nuts... Haiz... I got a new Mp3 which is only 256 MB but it still suits my needs... i don't want(nor need) that many songs anyway... :D..c oming fifth of may is such an important day don't you think... yes it is...

It is the day of reckoning...

The day when the king was born.....

lol being extra dramatic here! But I think you guys got the message... well i gtg and sleep if i want to pay attention during chemistry tomorrow so c ya guys...


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