Thursday, May 04, 2006

Hi people... Life sux... first I got confronted by this guy who accused me of something i did only as a little joke... joke only... i wasn't serious... and so i decided... I had enough... you go your way and I go mine... I do not like being accused of something that i had no intention of doing... So basically, i shall never ever knowingly cross your path again.. If i do, slap me across the face...

After the tragic confrontation, there was GP test and SEA history test.. after the SEA test i realised that i had lost my wallet. This led to a frantic search that did not yield any positive results. So now my personal items, bus pass etc are all lost and I'm broke AGAIN... and all this had to happen the day before my birthday.. hopefully tommorrow is a better day... I gtg now... too sad to blog any more anyways.... Cya...


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