Thursday, May 11, 2006
hello people! In my grandma's house now and using my uncle's com to blog. Am here for a celebration. Mother's day celebration. the whole extended family will be here so its gonna be one heck of a party :p. Am bloggin secretly as I aint supposed to use my uncle's com... today was ok... except for the terrible news that our class did badly for SEA fact test. I also failed my math test. haiz... well at least that was expected... failed 4/5 of my napfa items.. kinda sucky... well, i guess you can't have every thing in life... I'll try my best to improve on my napfa next year... and I'll strive to improve my grades...... and what the hell... look at bonn now... he is so scary... he's punches almost twice as painful as secondary 4 and his hair is very, very, very, very long... looks so weird... lol... bonn go cut your hair soon... lol... well... at that note i have to sign off here now... i gtg already. cya.