Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Well, I'm back from LTC 2006 !
What an adventure it was! My group had a heck alot of different personalities. All of them took something away from the camp. Every single one who participated would have taken away something from the 4-day camp. Thanks to Ms Audrey and the rest of the teachers and facils for making this camp so meaningful for all of us. I'm going to briefly blog about the camp... hope it doesnt take too long it's now already 12 am.

Day 1
We meet at NYJC at 7.30 am. I look around my group and start to get to know the 11 people I would spend the next day with. The first day we went on our land expedition. It was a little like the amazing race but we had to start of by finishing 7 1.5 litres of water. That means 9.5 litres for 11 people. People puked but we still managed to get it done. The real challenge came on the bus because we had to hold our nature's call till the bus got to our destination. Still, we managed to do so and we went through another mini obstacle before reaching at the final destination ( where we were going to camp overnight) in 2nd spot. We had outdoor cooking for the night and after that we had a night activity. It was really an interesting one as one person (blindfolded) was bound to another person who would have some sorta handicap [ for my case my leg was tied to the blindfolded person]. We had to overcome several obstacles incuding spider webs and all that stuff. It was a challenge and i have to thank Germaine for doing it together with me :). Through that I learned that there will always be someone there to help me if I need help and lead me through the obstacles and also that I too can make a difference to people's life by helping them. We retired for the night in our tents.

-end of day1-
-start of day 2-

We started the day going back to our original campsite Jalan Batera. This is where we had our sea activity of building rafts. Well we didnt exactly meet our objective of building a raft to go and collect something from someone out at see but our raft did float. Just that it couldnt hold the weight of 3 people and it always toppled over (min. 3 people had to be sent out)
After that we had training for our sea expedition. Unfortunately it started raining heavily and we couldn't do our capsize drill. But no worries we would do it tomorrow morning (even though that would mean we would rush like hell for our sea expedition. We had some sharing sessions at night and it was finally lights out.

Well this is certiainly a brief description and I am too tired to continue. I will blog about the rest of the days and include my thoughts on my group members in the following days. Until then cyaz!


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