Sunday, August 13, 2006

Yay. I passed my econs and chemistry. Though of course due to a humongous sum of 0.5 marks, I have to copy out 10 pages of an assessment book, which I presently do not have. Yay. Argh. How fun. If only i could somehow squeeze the 0.5 marks out... but, knowing my teacher.. i don't think I'm going to get it. Argh.
Hehe. Found this... somewhere... how unglam... look at Huiqi's twisted face and bonn's dunno-what-kind-of face. Reminds me of 4e7. How long has it been, about 9 months since we seperated as a class? Still, I can't stop myself from wanting to turn back time, from wanting to go back. Haix. 4e7. Nothing will ever be the same. 0601 is sure a great class, but I will always prefer 4e7- no other class will ever take the place in my heart that 4e7 has taken. =). Hopefully we can meet again someday guys.

English Premier League is due to start soon. Go Manchester United. Lol. Finally. After such a long break. Let the games begin. By the way, I hope chealsea don't make it a hat-trick of titles. Lol. Ok i better go and sleep now. Am getting sleepy. Cya


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