Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Today was rather a quiet day as i stumbled from one class to another. At GP, we played the same old game AGAIN. It was kinda boring and since classes had been changed, the teacher spent some time going through what we had covered the previous lesson and so Sarah and I were talking about football. All the way through. Non-stop. Until Hui Jeen said to me 'shut up la. keep talking about football'. Then I sorta stopped. lol. Chem practical was as usual boring. Then wen tfor D & J where me and Sheri confirmed that we will be taking on the massive task of covering the upcoming student council elections. Since it is an election, it is political in nature and it is indeed quite a sensitive topic. Hence, both of us have to be neutral and objectively go about covering the elections. I am really looking forward to it. But, the orientation of D & J was rather well boring but still, entertaining to some extent. Me, Siva and Sheri are going to Vietnam as part of the history-economics field trip. Am damn excited about it. UN fortunately it seems like izaac will not go =(. Well, speaking of Izaac, he finally came to school today, after being absent for one week and one day. Welcome back Izaac=). Tommorrow still got chem tutorial and i think I'm going to do a couple more questions later on tonight. Haiz. Damn sian. Well thats all for now. Post again soon. Cya.