Monday, April 10, 2006

Hi people!! My internet connection has been down for the past few days and am i glad that it is up... finally!! Just in time for my BIG soccer post too... Of course I'm talking about Man Utd beating Arsnel 2-0!! Go Red Devils!! Go Rooney... if not for anything, england have a good shot at the world cup title due to this player!! Go roonEy!!

Ok... time for more serious things... Life... I just was wondering about life... Life... is unpredictable and there is something very tragic about the world we live in.... that is the fact that many of us never appreciate the things around us until we lose it... think about it... how long has it been since you gave your parents' a hug or even said thank you to them. Are we taking things for granted?! Just because we have all we need now, it might not last; simply because life is unpredictable. So, pause and take a look around you once in a while and appreciate whatever comforts you might be enjoying. There are many out there who will never enjoy the simple comforts of life(e.g. sitting in an airconditioned room).

That is all for now i gotta 'chiong' for history and write something for Mr Mao to look at tml...
C ya


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